Coding: Its more than software development
We are talking a lot about children learning to code. We don't want our children left behind when they hit the workforce, we want them to be technology literate. But what if your child grows up to be a fire fighter or an author? Will coding really help? The answer is yes. As well as gaining the ability to use the tools of the future, programming also teaches skills that will be used as an adult, no matter their chosen profession.
Algorithmic Thinking: Getting from point A to point B. Think about driving across country (or across town), you must start the car before you can turn left on Elm Street, or cooking you need to mix the batter before you decorate the cupcake.
Problem Solving: What do you do if you follow the directions and your cupcakes are flat and burnt? Where did you go wrong? How do you fix it?
Hacking: Make a process better. What if turning down Elm street will get you to the zoo, but what if you take Main street and you get there faster and can you can find parking?
Work with your child on the building blocks to coding by using logic based apps with them. Try the following Apps: