Should You PokermonGo?

2016 Sep 01


Technology Education Trends- September 2016

Help for Parents
USA Today published  5 Tips for Parents of Pokemon Go Kids. The Author, Jinny Gudmundsen, reminds parents to have their children:  
  • Be aware of private property
  • Know that "stranger danger' is real
  • Be aware of in-app purchases
  • Have children pair up
  • Realize that it is NOT all bad 
Take a look at the article for more information and a link to USA Today's Beginner's guide to Pokemon Go. 
Beth Skwarecki wrote a comprehensive 'How to" guide for parents on LifeHacker.comThis guide will help you to determine the age appropriateness of each part of the game as well as walking you through setting up your phone.
Pokemon Go and Kids with Autism and Asperger's
If a child in your life lives with autism and Asperger's Syndrome, you will want to read Rachel Cao's article from August 5th on on How 'PokemonGo' is helping kids with autism and Asperger's.
Thoughts on Pokemon Go from our Expert
Finally, a "video game" that smashes the notion that screens promote anti social or sedentary lifestyles. Did you know that the idea for Pokémon GO started with an April Fool's joke? Learn more in this month's LittleClickers, at 
This game presents a new set of worries and opportunities for parents and teachers. 

1. Look both ways. When tens of thousands sun deprived geeks crawl out of their basements, many might be encountering traffic for the first time. Make sure children are briefed on pedestrian safety 101, and that they explore with friends. And don't forget the sunscreen.  

2. Learn some local history. The game is loaded with local history facts, which are tied to earning the Pokéballs needed to catch Pokémon.  But without discussion they're only facts that may not stick. Ask your child to share, discuss and debate about what they find. 

3. Be a cynic when it comes to "free." We've found that 95% of Pokémon GO is good clean fun, and there's a lot of math, history, reading, local geography and history involved in Pokémon hunting. But it is also a "free" app that makes money in ways that aren't always transparent. Children need to wonder "if Pokémon GO is free, why is it making "billions" of dollars for Apple, Google, Niantic and Nintendo? Where does this money come from?" besides the IAP (In-App Purchases) that add cost up to $100 in a single transaction, the geographic attributes of the game make it a potential marketing tool. So the owner of a pizza parlor can spend a few dollars for lures and incense, and attract some Pokémon. This will in turn attract paying customers. Children need to know how this works. To be safe, don't let your child play games with an app store account that has access to your credit card. Use a gift card instead and let them learn to manage the money with a digital allowance.

4. Pokémon GO has hidden costs. The app uses the camera, map data and can burn batteries.  Your child might need a $10 extra battery, and should know about that power saving function of the game (look in preferences). Other invisible costs could be lurking in the form of data use, used when the game downloads new maps, photos and Pokémon information.
5. We need to ask: Is it  an experience exclusive only to middle and upper income kids? The app might be 'free', but the real price of admission is the data plan and the $300 mobile device.  Children who can't afford the monthly costs will be economically excluded from Pokémon conversations that are sure to take place on school buses this fall. This is a worry we should all have. 

If you haven't yet, download date "free" app and give it a try, so you can see that all the fuss is about. You'll discover that Pokémon GO is a lot of fun, especially when played with friends. 

Warren Buckleitner, Ph.D. 
Editor, Children's Technology Review
The Wordwide Leader in Technology Education for Children
While Pokémon Go Brings Augmented Reality to Life
We Bring Augmented Reality to our Classes
Find out more aboutOur exclusive new program "Aurasma Bringing Augmented Reality to Life" 
This program introduces students to the 'magic' of Augmented Reality (AR) taking real-world items and enhancing them with computer generated imagery. Make your content 3D and even 4D with the help of avatars, 3D models, animations and your own creativity. This powerful technology allows you to create and publish your own Augmented Reality content.
Students will develop their knowledge of Augmented Reality bringing the static world to life and creating content-rich interactiveexperiences. Talking
newspapers, holding a NASA spacecraft in your hand and bringing your lip syncing avatar to life will become your new augmented reality. After class, friends and family can download the free app and experience your interactive, engaging content come to life!

This Month from Little Clickers
Blog Post
 What is this Pokemon Go that is taking the world by storm
I am sure that you have heard about this new sensation that had taken the world by storm. It was literally an overnight sensation, I woke up on day and almost every single person I knew was taking about Pokemon Go. It wasn't until I looked into it more that I realized it was actually pretty neat

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