October is Cyber Security Awareness Month‏

2015 Oct 01

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Technology Education Trends- October 2015 

Cyber Security Awareness Month
As we become more internet dependent, the more we open ourselves up to be the victims of fraud, identity theft, and abuse. Cyber Security helps us defend ourselves against these crimes.
Cyber Security Awareness Month was started 11 years ago as a joint effort between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its partners. The DHS Website features calendars that have weekly and daily activities related to cyber security.

DHS and the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign encourages everyone to practice good cyber hygiene and safe online behavior at all times. Families and educators should look at the Stop. Think. Connect. website www.STCguide.com forresourcessuch as posters and booklets to assist in educating and guiding children to safe behavior online. 

Growing Up in a Connected World 
Growing Up in a Connected World

NOVA Labs is the PBS sponsored digital platform where "citizen scientists" can actively participate in the scientific process.
The Wordwide Leader in Technology Education for Children
Related Sites
 The Protection Conection
- Keeping your information private
- Newton, Teachers & Classrooms
 Helping Kids Understand and Avoid Malware

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